4e Interactive Documentary Workshop à Visions du Réel

Du 16 au 20 avril 2016, dans le cadre du festival Visions du Réel de Nyon, se déroulera le 4e Interactive Documentary Workshop, durant lequel les participants seront amenés à découvrir le storytelling digital documentaire, et seront accompagnés au développement d'un premier concept de documentaire interactif.

«The evolution of technology is transforming the way that audiences experience stories. With cinema and television, storytelling has been confined and restricted by release formats and windows, so as by time slots.

Today, after the Internet and the successive multiplication of digital platforms, mobile devices and social networks, traditional documentary storytelling has broken the boundaries and is developing into new forms. These new forms include nonlinear narratives and public participation in creating and selecting content. This concept of public participation goes further than interactivity options for the audience. Interactive documentary has also to do with co-creation and co-interpretation of content and information by the users, which can lead to the loss of the single authorial voice, being replaced by a shared authorship. It doesn’t mean that the author doesn’t exist anymore, nor he will disappear, but the role of the author/director is radically transforming into something different compared to traditional linear audiovisual storytelling: his role is no more limited to creating, selecting and presenting content, but extends to the planning of the audience experience and helping to design an interaction that successfully engages and tells stories.»

Le délai d'inscription est fixé au 9 mars 2016. Le délai est prolongé au 16 mars 2016.

Plus d'informations sont disponibles à cette adresse : http://www.idw.supsi.ch/presentation

25.1.2016 / 8.3.2016
